Aftershock, Podium Gallery, Hongkong, CN
Fragments, Commune Gallery, Vienna, AT
Neuro Hard, Con Gallery, Tokyo, JP
This is the time of sweet sweet change for us all, CALM-La meute art center Habiter le Monde, Château - Centre d’Art Contemporain de la Ville d’Aubenas, Aubenas, FR
Latent Rhythm, Jack Barrett Gallery, New York, US
Insides Out, Kunstverein Göttingen, Göttingen, DE
The man who lost his skeleton, Gallery Derouillon, Paris, FR
Life on its own, Kunstraum Schwaz, Schwaz, AT
Eartheathers, Lustwarande, Tilburg, NL
Recasted Relations, Exhibit museum, Vienna, AT
And then an insurmountable tension, to the level of incommensurability, Palazzo San Giuseppe, Polignano a Mare, IT
On the edge of all this sprawl of night and cities, Super Dakota Gallery, Brussels, BE
Swallets, curated by Domen Ograjenšek, Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, SI
Reference Festival “Infinitude”, Schinkel Pavilion, Berlin, DE
Klammern aus denen Blätter Sprießen, Hunter Shaw Fine Art, Los Angeles, US
Klammern aus denen Blätter Sprießen, Scherben, Berlin, DE
Embodied Structures, CIVA Festival, Belvedere 21, Vienna, AT
Time Warp, UA26, Vienna, AT
Needle & Balloon, curated by Michal Stolárik, Center of Contemporary Art, Trnava, SK
Stormy Weather, curated by Katharina Brandl & Claire Hoffman, Centre culturel suisse, Paris, FR
Symbiotic Agencies, curated by Creamcake, Gallery Körnerpark, Berlin, DE
Reel It Out Rule It In, UA26, Vienna, AT
A skeleton, just like the rest of us, curated by Franziska Lindhart, Christine Meyer Gallery, Munich, DE
Stormy Weather, curated by Katharina Brandl & Claire Hoffman, Kunstraum Niederoesterreich, Vienna, AT
Stress Rehearsal, curated by Malou Solfjeld, Das Weisse Haus, Vienna, AT
Everything’s going to hell in handbag, Haus Wien, Vienna, AT
Mit Bergen den Blick reparieren, curated by Céline Sturuger, Kunstverein Kärnten, Klagenfurt, AT
In-Visible Realness, curated by Ben Livne Weitzman, PS120, Berlin, DE
The Chasm, curated by Yves-Michel Sass, Franz Josef Kai3, Vienna, AT
Fixing my gaze, Pferd, Vienna, AT
Das Jub Jub, Gallery 5020, Salzburg, AT
Hyper Again, MMIII Kunstverein, Mönchengladbach, DE
Painter, Plumber, Justice, Vienna, AT