Home, Piermarq, Surry Hills, AU
Fantasia, Gallery Target, Tokyo, JP
Salon Highlight, Louis Buhl, Detroit, MI, US
Canal Street, Albertz Benda, New York City, NY, US
Jake Clark and Konstantin Kakanias, with Konstantin Kakanias, Gavlak Gallery, Palm Beach, FL, US
At The Carlyle, A Hug From The Art World, New York City, NY, US
Halara, Allouche Benias Gallery, Athens, GR
Icônes, cadet capela, Paris, FR
More life, Rodolphe Janssen, Knokke, BE
Miami Vice, Bill Brady Gallery, Miami, FL, US
Half Sandwich and Matzo Ball Soup, ATM Gallery, New York, NY, US
Pico and Glendon, Kantor Gallery, Beverly Hills, CA, US