Corinna Gosmaro

Née en 1987 à Savillan, Italie
Vit et travaille à Paris, France
Corinna Gosmaro est une artiste italienne qui vit et travaille à Paris. Son travail questionne les caractéristiques intemporelles de l’être humain en tant qu’entité culturelle et globale. Elle met en évidence le fait que la plupart des manques dans notre compréhension provient de la difficulté à se libérer de nos paradigmes cognitifs, qui nous amènent souvent à vivre une expérience à travers un récit qui ne coïncide pas nécessairement avec la réalité.
Gosmaro a exposé dans de nombreuses institutions, notamment à la Fondazione Memmo Rome, à l’American Academy in Rome, à la Fondation Fiminco Romainville, au GAMeC Bergamo, à la Fondazione Pastificio Cerere Rome, au Schafhof Künstlerhaus Oberbayern, à Freising, au Museo Nazionale della Montagna Torino, au Museo Michetti Francavilla a Mare. Elle a participé à de nombreux programmes de résidence : POUSH Paris (2023), Fonderia artistica Battaglia Milano (2022), Fondation Fiminco Romainville (2022), Cité Internationale des Arts à Paris (2018). Elle a reçu le Talent Prize en 2018 et, en 2021, l’Italian Fellowship for Visual Art à l’American Academy de Rome.
Curriculum vitae
2025TBD, NEVVEN, Gothenburg, SE
2024I will will a will by my will, cadet capela, Paris, FR
2022Delusional Beliefs, The Gallery Apart, Rome, IT
2020CHUTZPAH!, The Gallery Apart, Rome, IT
2018Talking Knots, The Gallery Apart, Rome, IT
2016Uahed! Uahed! , IGAV, Saluzzo, IT
2015Lavorare stanca, Thomas Brambilla Gallery, Bergamo, IT
2012I-Sola, Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary Art, Turin, IT
2024ANGELS, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, Rome, IT
2023The world is wholly inside, and I am wholly outside myself, curated by Barbara Newman, Galerie Mitterrand, Paris, FR
Quadri come luoghi, curated by Davide Ferri, Brescia, IT
Fondale, curated by Caterina Taurelli Salimbeni, Atelier 11- Cité Falguière, Paris, FR
État des lieux. Collective exhibition for an empty living space (apartment), with a text by Rose Vidal, Paris, FR
2022Premio Cairo 2022, Palazzo Reale, Milan, IT
Sa mémoire dans la maison vide, souffle comme une brise dans les rideaux blancs, curated by Yomna Osman, Fondation Fiminco, Romainville, FR
2021Ipercorpo: secondo tempo reale, curated by D. Ferri, Arena Forlivese, Forlì, IT
Dal tramonto all’arte - CaLibro Festival , Palazzo Vitelli, Città di Castello, Perugia, IT
ECOPHILIA. Esplorare l’alterità, sviluppare empatia, curated by A. Lerda, Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Torino, IT
Streetscapes, curated by E. Rodini, American Academy in Rome e Gianicolo, Rome, IT
Babies Are Knocking – I bambini bussano, Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome, IT
LXX Rassegna d’arte – Premio internazionale G.B. Salvi, Palazzo della Pretura, Sassoferrato, IT
2020L’aureola nelle cose. Sentire l’habitat (Premio Michetti), Museo Michetti, Francavilla a Mare, IT
Cinque Mostre, curated by Ilaria Gianni and Elizabeth Rodini, AAR, Rome, IT
Conversation Piece Part VI. La realtà è ciò che non scompare quando smetti di crederci, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, Fondazione Memmo, Rome, IT
Convergence - Cinque Mostre 2020, American Academy in Rome, Rome, IT
2019CONTEMPORANEE, CONTEMPORANEI. , Opera dalla Collezione Giorgio Fasol, Polo Santa Marta, Università di Verona, Verona, IT
Format à l’italienne 10 , Espace Le Carré, Lille, FR
Club GAMeC Prize | La mostra: IV, curated by I. Gianni, Palazzo Camozzi, Bergamo, IT
To make something of myself, curated by R. Farinotti, DAS, Milano, IT
2018Extinction, Artemis Fontana, Paris, FR
Taxidermy, curated by B. Reggio e L. Petrucci, Piazza dei Quiriti 10, Rome, FR
Ibrida, curated by C. Tempestini and A. Romano, Castello di Perno, Monforte d’Alba, Palazzo Banca d’Alba, Alba, IT
Straperetana 2018 | Il tempo svogliato, curated by S. Verini, various venues, Pereto, IT
Mind the gap – Mirror Project #9, curated by E. Riccomi, Barriera Torino, IT
MEMOTION, “Memory und Emotion”, curated by E. Berg, Scha”of - Künstlerhaus Oberbayern, Freising, DE
Il paradigma di Khun, Galleria FuoriCampo Siena and Spazio 02 Cremona, IT
2017Rosina#1 Spectrum, curated by G. Benassi, LIMONE SPACE, London, GB
So long, curated by M. Smarrelli, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere per l’Arte Contemporanea, Rome, IT
La lama di Procopio, curated by G. Incà Levis e G. Repetto, Dolomiti Contemporanee, Collezione AGI Verona, Nuovo Spazio di Casso, Casso, IT
2016Haemolacria. The complete words of Marcel BloodTears Artistic literary homage to Marcel Broodthaers, curated by G. Ricuperati, Laboratorio del dubbio, Turin, IT
Painting the present, curated by A. Demma and F. Zhenning, Peninsula Art museum, Weihai, CN
In the depth of the surface, curated by A. Carpita, Ex Fabbrica Orobia 15, Milan, IT
Texture and liquidity, curated by V. Della Corte, The Workbench International, Milan, IT
2015Gli ospiti inattesi, curated by C. Gosmaro, C. Fariselli, A. Kvas and E. Saglia, Turin, IT
Dipingere il presente, curated by A. Demma and F. Zhenning, Certosa Di San Giacomo, Capri, IT
Open mia, Baco, curated by S. Raimondi and M. Zanchi, Bergamo, IT
2014Spheres, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, Boissy-Le-Chàtel, FR
Funzione continua, Thomas Brambilla Gallery, Bergamo, IT
TO_SH Torino Shanghai, V Art Center, Shanghai, CN
2013To be continued , Raffaella De Chirico Contemporary Art, Turin, IT
TO_SH Torino Shanghai, Turin, IT
2012NOVEMBER. Artists’ hot period, Spazio Ferramenta, Turin, IT
2011SCOGLIERE, Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, Turin, IT
ALA For Art, Napoli, IT
AGI Verona, IT
Ente Artefiera, Bologna, IT
Museo Nazionale della Montagna, Turin, IT
Inside Art, Rome, IT
Fondazione Garuzzo, Saluzzo, IT
2023Poush, Paris, FR
2022Fonderia Artistica Battaglia, Milan, IT
Fondation Fiminco Résidence, Paris, FR
2021Italian Fellowship for Visual Art, American Academy in Rome, Rome, IT
Premio Cairo, finalist, IT
2020Premio Michetti, finalist, IT
Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris, FR
2019Pittura, workshop Q-rated, La Quadriennale di Roma, Nuoro, IT
Club GAMeC Prize, finalist, IT
2018Talent Prize 2018, winner, IT
Cité Internationale des Arts, Les lauréats, Paris, FR
6Artista Prize, Pastificio Cerere Rome, Rome, IT
Eurpean House of Art Upper Bavaria – Schafhof, Freisung, DE
Fondazione Pastificio Cerere per l’Arte Contemporanea, Rome, IT
Cripta 747 Studio, Turin, IT
2015Acquisition Fund Artefiera Bologna, Bologne, IT
2010Viborg Kunsthal, Viborg, DK
2015MA, Magna cum laude, Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, Turin, IT
2012BA, Magna cum laude, Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti, Turin, IT